2015년 12월 9일 수요일
Overall Summary of the last three months and future plans
What I've done in Silicon Valley:
1) Found a new team member, Elbert Kwee. (Indonesian computer science engineer from UC Berkeley who have two years of work experience in Samsung America)
2) Met more than 150 people in Silicon Valley. Built strong relationship with 20% of people. Learned to be connected.
3) Pitched at K-Tech 2015. Exposed our team's existence to Startup community in Silicon Valley. Got invited to HongKong Embassy.
4) Internship in Korea Innovation Center. Built strong connection with Korean Governers who is in charge of supporting Korean Startups.
5) Improved English. I was not able to express my thoughts and feelings fluenlty in English. After I came to Silicon Valley and challenged to explain my business to convince other people, I was then able to speak the language from the heart.
6) Experienced God's Guidence.
Future Plan:
1) YoungJune Zhe: Will go back to Handong to graduate. Will change his major to Computer Science. Will be doing research and documentation about our business.
2) Elbert Kwee: Will go back to Indonesia and develop our service by receiving help from other IT company that supports startups to develop app and web.
3) Sung-hoon Suh: Will be working in Startup company in Silicon Valley to gain more experience in real startup execution. The startup that I will be working with received 500k funds and is in Silicon Valley incubation program named F50. We made partnership with Stanford University and Periscope. I'm supported with insurance, plane ticket, stock, salary, food and place to stay. My team supported me to work in this startup as I'm doing God's work not men's.
What I will learn:
-build reference of success or failure in famous startup to get fund next time
-learn how to spend money
-build solid network in SV
-Growth Hack, learn to penetrate US market (learn growth hacking from google)
-System Development, learn how to develop system so I can communicate with other engineers in development
-More mentors and advisory to support our management
Last day in Korea Innovation Center in Silicon Valley
By looking at the last day at your work place you can tell you have worked with the right people or not. My last day in KIC was wonderful I have received so much love and gifts from co-workers. In return of this gratefulness I have thought what I can give back to KIC people. I thought I should leave God's words on our office.
I believe it was God's plan for me to even start to work in KIC after I came to SV. I have gained so much connections and learned so many things in Startups that I now feel I have entered into the startup community of Korea and Silicon Valley. After I came back to Korea I have been attending startup related communities invited by the Nesting program participants in KIC. KIC have opened me to the gate of startup and opportunities.
I believe it was God's plan for me to even start to work in KIC after I came to SV. I have gained so much connections and learned so many things in Startups that I now feel I have entered into the startup community of Korea and Silicon Valley. After I came back to Korea I have been attending startup related communities invited by the Nesting program participants in KIC. KIC have opened me to the gate of startup and opportunities.
(Gifts from KIC and Nesting Participants)
(Last Dinner with KIC)
(I posted Words of cards on the doors of KIC office)
(Also on the coffee section in the building)
(My gift to Heonseo Rhee, President of KIC Silicon Valley)

2015년 12월 6일 일요일
스탠포드 바바라 교수님
I have copy pasted the emails I had with Professor Barbara who is the founder of Stanford D.School. I attended her lecture again and few days later I also had a tea time in San Francisco with her before I go back to South Korea. She gave me a link to her research papers. I made a bridge between Barbara and Sunghyun who is VP of HR in SK. Specific details are below.
Thank you for inviting me again and this time I was happier to get to know you more personally.
I had such a wonderful time and your lecture was always provoking and stimulating. I always learn so much from you that you gave me a wish to attend Stanford graduate school.
What I learned this time:
1) taking a look at the gap between what we think and what we say, helps us understand how we unknowingly disempowering ourselves (Chris Argyris theory) I learned a great frame of thinking to control what I say. 'What they said - What I thought but didn't said - What I said'
2) So very interesting that understanding character, plot, and conflict aren't enough in developing our "STORY" Recognize there are multiple tellers of your story.
3) Yes! Dominique's story about the hardship attractive engineering women face in finding jobs was something that really knocked out my head. I never would've thought about the problem if I wasn't in your class.
4) By how you teach students, I realized questioning and well-responding to a person is one of the key to bringing up their thoughts on table and guiding their thoughts by making consensus with the class is your talent.
I wish I can continue my interest and studying by reading your papers(I'm very excited already) and if you want I can also share your paper with Christoper Han and talk together about it together when I'm back in Seoul.
I sincerely appreciate your precious time. I know how hard it is for you to make a minute for me. I will live my best so your time for me will not go wasted but become a prime water for me to be a person who could change many things in the world.
I sincerely appreciate your precious time. I know how hard it is for you to make a minute for me. I will live my best so your time for me will not go wasted but become a prime water for me to be a person who could change many things in the world.
God bless you.
Thank you.
From Shawn Sung-hoon Suh
Dear Barbara and Sunghyun
Hi Shawn,
I head to the east bay late in the day tomorrow/ Tuesday...
Might you have time to meet in San Francisco before I head there:
Maybe we can meet at the tea garden place (name?) inside the Ferry Building, on the Embarcadero?
There are two papers on my web site for the design entrepreneuring studio: under research.
Can you ping me again before you go, and I will find you a few more, too?
Thank-you so much for interest in my teaching and research - I added a few comments below!
Hope to see you for a tea break tomorrow,
Dear Barbara and Sunghyun
I would like to introduce to each other to become friends in making a synergy to help people discover their own genius inside and maximize their true potentials to find joy in what they do.
Barbara this is Sunghyun, he knows a lot of good traveling sites in SF.
He is the VP of HR for SK Planet and he have been in Human Resources for 24 years.
Sunghyun this is Barbara, she is a strong story teller and loves drinking tea.
She is the founder of The Design Entrepreneuring Studio and a Professor in Mechanical Engineering in Stanford University.
Both have a wonderful day.
Thank you.
From Shawn.
Thanks for the intro., Shawn. Sorry for the belated response, as I was on my vacation.
Hi SH~
Hello Sung. Nice to hear from you. {And, thanks for the introduction Shawn.}
Your background is fascinating.
"Positive Organization Development," sounds great...and wondering how the 'positive' part impact the courses; cases you study and the projects you proposes.
Makes me think about how Seligman's early research on "learned helplessness" shifted to "positive psychology" and set the stage for similar applications in the field of organization development and behavior...
I would love to meet.
Might you send me some windows of time:
perhaps the first week of December or the week of Dec 7?
I will look forward to it,
Thanks for the intro., Shawn. Sorry for the belated response, as I was on my vacation.
Hi Barbara,
Heard great things about you from Shawn. After 8 years with Google, I am now supporting a start-up called shopkick that has been acquired by SK Group in Korea, which happened to be my first employer 24 years ago. I am also interested in designing organizations in a way that help maximize their potential, and am majoring in Positive Org. Development at Case Western Reserve University at the moment.
Please let me know if you are available for a quick meeting to share some of the ideas or experiences. Also, I do know that a lot of Korean entrepreneurs visit D. School, and please feel free to let me know if I can be of any help for those visitors who would like to learn HR/OD practices in Silicon Valley.

Hi SH~
Hello Sung. Nice to hear from you. {And, thanks for the introduction Shawn.}
Your background is fascinating.
"Positive Organization Development," sounds great...and wondering how the 'positive' part impact the courses; cases you study and the projects you proposes.
Makes me think about how Seligman's early research on "learned helplessness" shifted to "positive psychology" and set the stage for similar applications in the field of organization development and behavior...
I would love to meet.
Might you send me some windows of time:
perhaps the first week of December or the week of Dec 7?
I will look forward to it,
2015년 12월 5일 토요일
How to pitch to investors by Bill Reicherd and Mr. Nam
I have posted notes from Lecture of Bill Reicherd from Garage Ventures and Mr. Nam from Storm Ventures. They both emphasized how pitch is as much as important as the product and service it self, because pitch is what attracts investors, employees and customers.
Bill Reicherd
"I have more questions while we are talking. Thats what should be avoided"
level of energy
Woddy Elan
10 seconds, hook, determines the next hour
-Trust me or not
Covered all the basis
+Injected personality, humor
Silence: process understanding
<Different pitch styles>
Elevator Pitch (30s) : Problem and solution
1-2 Minute Pitch (1-2 min) : Why now? Market Opportunity, Competition, Business Model
Short Pitch (3-5 min) : get them excited
Full/VS Pitch (10-20min)
What they want to hear: Whats different about your business?
<VC wants to know>
They want to know pot of gold
'What is your Value Proposition?'
They want to know you have the map to the pot of gold
'How are you going to make me money?'
They want to know you are the person that will bring the gold back to them
'Are you the right person for this job?'
Do I want to work with you?
Do I trust you?
Do I like you?
Content Checklist
-Attention grabbing (Hook)
-Are all points relevant?
-Does it flow? Is it logical?
-Is it tailored to the listener?
-Does it leave a visual image?
-Does it tell a story?
-Eye contact
-Confidence & passion : Performance(stage), find the truth on what you are saying
-Relaxed : Imagine my friends who wants me to succeed, make myself big(you don't need to impress anybody)
Face and speed
Taste, economy of scale
Im giving you the power
Horse and the jucky
<Handshake pitch>
Uber is a mobile app that enhances taxi riding experience and saves you money
Netflix is a content provider that allows you to watch your favorite TV shows on any platform on any time
Mr. Nam
1. Your deal fits the partnership sentiment and strategy
-Who my customer(VC) is? ask VCs Lawyers
2. Your champion excites the partnership in a 3 min summary
3. The partners hear some external social proof
4. Give a great presentation (first two slides are the most important)
Visualize making the dream into reality.
-Impression -How we going to make money -Leader
Hardware- Korean, Chinese
Software- Indian
Selling vision and execution
Over promising and under delivering, over promising but being believable
'Are you feeling comfortable on your cloth? If its not you probably'
Y-combinator, 500 Startups presentation - Punchy
"after two slides do you think that VC will get exited?'
Entrepreneurs or attorney
B2C: User aquisition, experience
B2B: Why this Category leader, platform
Pre-revenue: Why our team? Market opportunity to do that? He can we do sth no one else can?
Account base market: technical skill set+ connections
Pre-Revenue: Why your revenue will explode?
Product market fit
Shy Agasi: Pitch, sell vision to employees, customers. leader
B2C company they by pass trouble,Korea
B2B: software, health IT
At a pre-revenue stage and if you are a student and dont have expertise
2015년 12월 1일 화요일
만나 사역
항상 어떤 상황에서도 '먼저 하나님의 나라'를 구해야 된다. 내가 어떤 일을 해도 결국 하나님의 일이여야 되기에, 오히려 바쁠때 그 마음을 다시 잡기위해 봉사를 하고 싶게 된다. K-Tech을 준비한 둘째날 뉴비전교회에서 매 첫째주에 하는 만나 사역을 다녀왔다. 혼자 지내는 독거노인들에게 도시락을 배달하는 일이다. 정말 유익하고 재미 있었다.
"목장님께서 오늘 만나사역에 대해서 저희 카톡방에 나눠달라고 하셔서 올리게 되었습니다. 제가 이번 년 미국에서 하는 마지막 사역이 될 것 같아요.
저는 오늘 요양원으로 도시락 배달 가는 팀이 되어서 김동완 할아버지를 만났어요~ 말씀을 못하시는 줄 알았는데 마지막에 기도를 드리고 나서 고맙다고 하시며 이야기를 하시기 시작하셔서 마음으로 기도를 받으신 것 같아 기뻤어요.
요양원에 김동완 할아버지 이외에 몸이 불편하신 분들을 보면서 인간의 유한함을 다시 한번 느끼게 된 것 같아요. 젊음과 건강이 있을 때 더 열심히 일해야 겠다는 생각도 했어요.
다른 직업들도 있는데 요양원에서 일하시는 분들을 보며 또 많이 배웠어요. 창업이나 직장으로 스트레스를 받고 있었는데 남을 위한 직접적인 suffering이 있는 요양원의 직원 분들을 보며 많은 것을 느꼈어요. 요양원의 직원 분들은 정말 남을 위한 mission이 있어서 봉사하시는 것 같았고 직원 분들의 정신이 건강해 보여서 보기 좋았어요.
사진을 찍어서 생각날 때마다 기도 드린다고 하였더니 허락 해주셨습니다."
"목장님께서 오늘 만나사역에 대해서 저희 카톡방에 나눠달라고 하셔서 올리게 되었습니다. 제가 이번 년 미국에서 하는 마지막 사역이 될 것 같아요.
저는 오늘 요양원으로 도시락 배달 가는 팀이 되어서 김동완 할아버지를 만났어요~ 말씀을 못하시는 줄 알았는데 마지막에 기도를 드리고 나서 고맙다고 하시며 이야기를 하시기 시작하셔서 마음으로 기도를 받으신 것 같아 기뻤어요.
요양원에 김동완 할아버지 이외에 몸이 불편하신 분들을 보면서 인간의 유한함을 다시 한번 느끼게 된 것 같아요. 젊음과 건강이 있을 때 더 열심히 일해야 겠다는 생각도 했어요.
다른 직업들도 있는데 요양원에서 일하시는 분들을 보며 또 많이 배웠어요. 창업이나 직장으로 스트레스를 받고 있었는데 남을 위한 직접적인 suffering이 있는 요양원의 직원 분들을 보며 많은 것을 느꼈어요. 요양원의 직원 분들은 정말 남을 위한 mission이 있어서 봉사하시는 것 같았고 직원 분들의 정신이 건강해 보여서 보기 좋았어요.
사진을 찍어서 생각날 때마다 기도 드린다고 하였더니 허락 해주셨습니다."
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